bustling Turkish shipping office in the foreground and a beautiful view of the Turkish landscape in the background

Get your Own address from Turkey!

You can get your own shopping address from Turkey, and start shopping now!

With Forwardme services, you can shop from any store in the Turkey, and ship them internationally! We allow our members to shop and ship from Turkey without any hassle!

Wonder how it works?

An address mark.

Get your free address from Turkey

You can get your own shopping & shipping address from Turkey with signin up with Forwardme!

A shopping cart.

Start shopping

After getting your own address, you can immiadetly start shopping from any store in the Turkey.

A sandglass

Wait for delivery

Once the seller shipped the packages, packages will be processed into your account.

A shipping box.

Ship your packages!

After packages has been processed into your account, you can place a shipping order to ship anywhere in the world! c