Shipping·Sep 6, 2023

10 Benefits of package forwarding service

Purple packages around the sofaArticle updated on Sep 6, 2023

The need for a reliable package forwarding service has become increasingly evident in today's globalized marketplace. Whether you're an international shopper looking to access a broader range of products, a business owner seeking to expand your market reach, or simply an individual navigating the complexities of cross-border shipping, a package forwarding service is your key to shipping and shopping.

1. Access to U.S. Products: Package forwarding services grant customers from around the world the ability to access a vast array of American products. This includes everything from popular brands to niche items that may not be available in their own countries. Whether it's electronics, fashion, cosmetics, or specialty goods, a U.S. address opens up a world of shopping possibilities.

In the United States, a multitude of popular online shopping sites cater to diverse consumer needs. Some well-known options include Amazon,, eBay,, Best Buy, Macy's, Nordstrom, Mercari, Apple, and Zappos, providing a wide range of products and convenience for shoppers nationwide.

2. Global Shipping: With coverage extending to over 220 countries, package forwarding services offer truly global shipping solutions. Customers can confidently order products from U.S.-based online retailers, knowing that they can reliably receive their purchases wherever they are in the world.

3. Consolidation: Many package forwarding companies provide consolidation services, allowing customers to combine multiple packages into a single shipment. This consolidation not only saves on shipping costs but also simplifies the logistics of receiving and managing multiple orders.

Consolidation can significantly reduce shipping costs and streamline the process. For instance, if a customer buys a 5 lbs item from Amazon, a 2 lbs item from eBay, and a 7 lbs item from Target, consolidating these packages into one shipment can potentially reduce the overall weight by 8-9 pounds, resulting in substantial savings on shipping fees and making the process more efficient for the customer.

4. Cost Savings: Package forwarders often negotiate bulk shipping rates with carriers, enabling customers to benefit from reduced shipping expenses. These cost savings can be significant, especially for international shoppers who frequently buy from U.S. retailers.

In the realm of international online shopping, shipping expenses are a pivotal consideration. For example, sending a 1 lb package from the United States to the United Kingdom can cost approximately $42.07, driving UK shoppers to explore package forwarding services for cost-effective solutions. Canada typically costs around $41.58, making it prudent for Canadian shoppers to explore package forwarding services for cost-effective solutions. Similarly, for Australia shipping expenses of approximately $46.71 for a 1 lb package from the US, Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, shipping a 1 lb package can be around $37.55, and in Qatar, it's approximately $37.55 driving shoppers in these Middle Eastern countries to favor package forwarding services to optimize their expenses.

5. Parcel Inspection: To ensure that items arrive in the best possible condition, package forwarding services offer package inspection and optional repackaging. This means that fragile or sensitive items can be repackaged securely, reducing the risk of damage during transit.

She takes notes about the package in front of her computer.

6. Shipping Options: Customers can choose from a range of shipping options tailored to their needs and budget. Whether they require speedy delivery via express shipping, standard delivery for cost-efficiency, or economy options for less time-sensitive items, package forwarding services offer flexibility.

We collaborate with esteemed courier services like DHL and FedEx, offering premium options such as DHL Express, FedEx Priority, and FedEx Express for the most efficient international deliveries. These services are recognized for their speed and reliability, ensuring your packages reach their destination promptly and securely.

7. No U.S. Address Required: International customers don't need to establish a physical presence in the United States to shop from U.S. retailers. Package forwarding services provide a U.S. address, which allows buyers to enjoy the benefits of American online shopping without the complexities of obtaining a local address. We provide two address options, one in New Jersey and the other in Delaware, completely free of charge.

8. Package Tracking: Transparency is key when it comes to international shipping. Most package forwarding services offer comprehensive package tracking, allowing customers to monitor the status and location of their shipments in real time. This feature helps buyers stay informed and anticipate delivery times accurately.

9. Customs Assistance: Navigating customs procedures and documentation can be daunting for international shoppers. Package forwarding services often offer support in completing customs declarations and handling the necessary paperwork, ensuring smoother cross-border shipments and minimizing the risk of delays due to customs issues.

10. Privacy and Security: Using a package forwarding address offers a layer of privacy and security for customers. Instead of sharing their address with multiple retailers, they use the forwarding address, safeguarding their privacy. Additionally, many package forwarding companies provide secure storage options, allowing packages to be held until customers are ready to have them shipped, reducing the risk of theft or damage.

He is monitoring the package using his mobile phone.

Explaining the functioning of Forwardme

Forwardme is a comprehensive package forwarding service that revolutionizes cross-border shopping for customers worldwide. It operates by providing users with a personalized U.S. address, effectively bridging the gap between international shoppers and American retailers. With this U.S. address, customers gain access to a vast array of products and brands available in the United States.

This is particularly advantageous for individuals residing in countries where certain products may be limited or unavailable.

The benefits of using Forwardme extend beyond mere access to U.S. products. One notable advantage is cost savings. Forwardme's bulk shipping rates and discounted prices help customers reduce their overall shipping expenses, making international shopping more affordable.

Forwardme offers parcel inspection and optional repackaging, ensuring that items arrive at their destination in optimal condition, and minimizing the risk of damage during transit.

Forwardme provides customers with various shipping options, accommodating different budgets and delivery timeframes, from express shipping for urgent orders to economy options for those who prioritize cost efficiency.

Forwardme even offers tax-free shopping options, further enhancing the value proposition for international customers. Overall, Forwardme's seamless operation and comprehensive benefits empower international shoppers to enjoy the convenience and accessibility of American online retail while simplifying the complexities of cross-border shopping.

Understanding the process

1. Sign Up: Visit the website of a US-based package forwarding company and create an account. 

2. Receive a US Address: After signing up, the package forwarding company will assign you a unique US mailing address. This address is usually a physical location in the United States.

3. Shop Online: You can now shop online at US retailers, including those that don't typically offer international shipping. When you make a purchase, use your assigned US address as the shipping address.

4. Notify the Forwarding Company: Once you've made a purchase, notify the package forwarding company about the incoming package. You may need to provide details like the tracking number, the expected arrival date, and the contents of the package.

5. Package Reception: The package forwarding company will receive your package at their US address. They will log it into your account and may provide information about the package's condition and weight.

6. Package Consolidation (Optional): If you've received multiple packages, you may request the package forwarding company to consolidate them into one shipment. This can save you on shipping costs.

7. Choose Shipping Method: Select a shipping method from the options provided by the package forwarding company. They often offer various carriers (e.g., USPS, FedEx, DHL) and shipping speeds to choose from.

8. Pay for Shipping: Pay for the shipping charges, which are typically calculated based on the package's weight, dimensions, and the chosen shipping method. The package forwarding company may also charge a service fee.

9. Customs Declaration: If you are shipping internationally, the package forwarding company will handle customs declaration forms and duties on your behalf. They will provide you with any necessary documentation.

10. Package Forwarding: The package forwarding company will forward your package to your international address using the selected shipping method. They will provide you with a tracking number so you can monitor the shipment's progress.

11. Package Delivery: Wait for your package to arrive at your international address. The delivery time will vary depending on the shipping method chosen and the destination.

Article written by

Volkan Haslak

Volkan Haslak
Volkan is always eager to dive into new and intriguing subjects. This curiosity led him to his current passions: yoga, working out, playing piano, diving deep into marketing, and fostering community connections. At Forwardme, he primarily concentrates on marketing and growth engagement.More links